Magento Open Source Fork Release
On December 18 Fork Magento San Diego meetup takes place. Magento community folks from around the globe gathered to fork Magento Open Source in reaction to Adobes stopping serving information about Magento Open Source and shooting down the website.
For the last 2 months since the first Fork Magento, San Diego Meetup community worked under open-source Magento fork architecture and implementation, AWS Magento cloud solution, and Magento open source microservice library.
Open Source Community against Corporations
As was planned Magento’s open-source fork is ready to use under the MagenX organization and has been named MagenXCommerce. Magento Fork has the next architecture: Each Magento module has its own mirror git hab repository and packagist public package. No Magento Private key is required to install the Magento fork using composer components. The key is only required to install 3-d party modules (Youtpo, DotDigital, Adobe Acrobat, etc) from the Magento repo. Also, meta-packages are available on the git hub and with the composer compared to the Adobe Open Source approach when all required components of the system are not available to the public. At the current stage, the Magento fork has only a mirror of the main repository. We are ready to join forces with the wide Magento community fork and provide our infrastructure and code. Only one Magento Fork should exist in the future.
A demo of the Magento installation from the fork was presented.
Note: We are looking for a maintainers of the Magento Forks. Basically every Magento release we should pull, merge and publish public composer packages and merge community pull requests. Agencies are welcome! It is the future of the Magento Infrastructure!
Installation of the Magento Fork using composer.
Get the Magento Fork metapackage
To get the Magento Fork metapackage:
Create a new Composer project using the Magento Open Source Fork metapackage.
composer create-project magenxcommerce/project-community-edition <install-directory-name>
Example — Minor release
Minor releases contain new features, quality fixes, and security fixes. Use Composer to specify a minor release.
composer create-project magenxcommerce/project-community-edition=2.4.0 <install-directory-name>
So, you don’t need any silly Adobes private repos to install an open-source project! Open Source should use public repos owned by the community.
Create your own Magento Build
To create your own Magento build you can fork metapackage repo and push it to packagist!
Magento Build (metapakage) could include additional open-source or paid extensions, remove junky Adobe Magento extensions (Adobe Stock, Yotpo, MSI, etc.). Also build can include new themes and language packs.
To install Magento On a fresh Linux use this script and git hub repo:
sudo bash ./
Terraform Infrastructure Provisioning for Magento Open Source:
Magento 2 auto scaling cluster with Terraform on AWS cloud
Deploy a full-scale secure and flexible e-commerce infrastructure based on Magento 2 in a matter of seconds.
Enterprise-grade solution for companies of all sizes, B2B B2C, providing the best customer experience.
No silly and slow Adobe Commerce cloud are needed anymore.
Also, Terragrunt version of the AWS infrastructure is available :
Terragrunt allows you to keep your Magento backend configuration DRY (“Don’t Repeat Yourself”) by defining it once in a root location and inheriting that configuration in all child modules.
Magento Fork URLs:
Packagist composer packages:
Git Hub Fork repository:
Magento fork GitHub organization: